
Every social organism is the sum of its parts, and organisational performance can be a lot more than this. This website is built from the individual contributions of very different individuals. Through their work each one of them has helped to make our thinking and philosophy as a consulting company clear and tangible.

project management: Oezlem Kellenberger-Yüksel
design & production: Fabian Jordi & Sandro Kneubühl, Joinbox (
photography: Simon Opladen (
design, concepts & texts: Nik Schwab (
drawings: Mary Shaw (
contents: Karl Kellenberger

Thank you very much for your great contributions and cooperation!

Even though we meticulously monitor all contents on this website we can not take any responsibility or liability for the contents of external links. All contents of our linked pages are within sole responsibility of their authors and operators. This declaration applies to all links on our website.